Open Data



Open research data refers to the publishing of the data underpinning scientific research results so that they have no restrictions on their access and usage. Openly sharing data opens it up to inspection and re-use, forms the basis for research verification and reproducibility, and opens up a path to broader collaboration. 

UNESCO Open research data definition

Goals at CERN

Experiments at CERN collect unique data at the frontiers of science using one-of-its-kind facilities and large-scale efforts with contributions from thousands of scientists. The data, which enables key insights into the nature of our world, represent a heritage of humanity, which CERN is dedicated to preserve, curate, steward and share with the public.

The CERN Open Data Policy reflects values that have been enshrined in the CERN Convention for more than sixty years and were reaffirmed in the European Strategy for Particle Physics (2020), the policy aims to empower the LHC experiments to adopt a consistent approach towards the openness and preservation of experimental data. Making data available responsibly (applying FAIR standards), at different levels of abstraction and at different points in time, allows the maximum realization of their scientific potential and the fulfillment of the collective moral and fiduciary responsibility to member states and the broader global scientific community. 


Services & Activities

CERN experimental collaborations are committed to make their research data publicly available.
All data are released with persistent identifiers. Data and associated data services apply open and FAIR principles. For experimental data releases, CC0 waivers are applied as standard. Researchers and experiments are expected to develop data management plans for their research activities. 
Data products at varying levels of complexity are made available through the CERN Open Data Portal. The development and adoption of data formats, tools and standards is a continuous community effort, pursued in the Data Preservation and Long Term Analysis in High Energy Physics (DPHEP) Study Group, the Open Science Working Group and various initiatives on the national, European and international levels.

CERN and its partners have established a number of enabling mechanisms to support compliance with the CERN Open Data Policy. 

CERN Open Data Portal

CERN Open Data Portal is a repository that enables large scale experimental data releases of curated datasets, accompanying software, supporting documentation and example analysis. The CERN's Open Data portal is developed by the CERN Information Technology group in close collaboration with LHC experiments and many researchers in the High-Energy Physics community. 
Contact for any request or submission, please send us an email to

HEP Data

HEP Data has been built up over the past four decades as a unique open-access repository for scattering data from experimental particle physics. It currently comprises the data points from plots and tables related to several thousand publications including those from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). HEPData is funded by a grant from the UK STFC and is based at the IPPP at Durham University.


Data Management Plans (DMPs)

Data Management Plans have become a requirement for projects, grants, stipends etc around the world, i.e. in CERN's member states. With that many in the CERN community are facing the challenge to regularly write or update a Data Management Plan (DMP). In a data driven environment like CERN, such documentation can also be considered essential to ensure the longevity of project and research results.
CERN provides templates for DMPs as well as support and guidance for anyone with questions or concerns regarding their DMPs. You can find the CERN Data Management Plan template here.

If you seek support please contact


Key contacts at CERN