CMS Open Data workshop & Hackathon 2024


Since 2014, the CMS Collaboration has pioneered the release of LHC research quality data for public use by making a significant amount of these data accessible through the CERN Open Data portal. Recently in 2024, the CMS Collaboration has released a sizeable new set of 13 TeV data collected in 2016.

The CMS Open Data group organizes yearly workshops to help users get started with the CMS Open Data. From the 29th of July to 1st of August the CMS Collaboration organized the fifth workshop in the series that aims to bridge the technical gap that usually exists between the scientific creativity of an external analyst and the nuts-and-bolts details of a full analysis with CMS open data.

You can find more information about the 2024 workshop and the tutorial site with learning and exercises material here.

The tutorials of previous workshops are available here.