CERN: An extraordinary human endeavour



On the 19th of May we had the privilege to join leading scientists and experts exploring the extraordinary significance of international collaboration and open science in advancing scientific knowledge in an event from a series of events celebrating CERN's 70th anniversary. During the conversations, the panelists traced the evolution of the Web, discussed the imperative of democratisation of information and technology, and explored the emerging frontiers in digital technologies and AI.

If you missed it you can watch it here.


Event highlights:

Science for All –  Panel discussion to explore the significance of international collaboration and open and inclusive science in advancing scientific knowledge.

Chair: Frédéric Donck


  • Ana Godinho – Head of CERN’s Education, Communications and Outreach group

  • Peter Jenni – A founding father and the first Spokesperson of the ATLAS experiment at CERN

  • Ana Persic – Programme Specialist for Science Technology and Innovation Policies and Open Science, UNESCO

  • Javier Serrano – Leader of CERN’s Open Hardware Initiative and Board Chair of the White Rabbit collaboration

  • Michel Spiro – Emeritus Research Director at CEA, President of IUPAP and Chair of the Board of the CERN & Society Foundation 


Towards the Future: the Web and Beyond – Panel discussion featuring Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web and CTO and co-founder of Inrupt, and other leading experts  discussed the evolution of the Web, the democratisation of technology and the emerging frontiers in digital technologies and AI. 

Chair: Frédéric Donck


  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee – Inventor of the Web and CTO and Co-founder of Inrupt
  • Raf Buyle – Innovation Lead, Athumi
  • Nadia Carlsten – Vice-President of Product, SandboxAQ
  • Andy Yen – Founder and CEO, Proton      


Discover the speakers' biographies here.